CNS:Recently, China once again demonstrates the high commitments to the opening-up policy, and further optimizes the negative list and ownership percentage for foreign investment. How do you evaluate China‘s determination and actions towards a more open economy and what opportunities will this bring to German companies?
不过,俄罗斯媒体表示,中国歼-10B TVC战斗机的机动性之所以能够提高,一个最重要的因素就是装备了俄罗斯生产的AL-31FN发动机,这款发动机已经开始在中国境内生产。事实上,由于使用了俄罗斯生产的航空发动机,中国大大提高了其作战飞机的能力,包括最新的第五代战斗机歼-20。
CNS:Being widely witnessed, the Sino-US trade tensions have demonstrated substantial negatives impacts on the world trade and economy as a whole, and the resolution is not yet around the corner. What is your view on this matter, and what should the German business community act if the conflicts between the two world biggest economies are escalating?